Helpdesk by LabiDesk

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57 Reviews
Noelle Wendi
Noelle Wendi
Fantastic customer support tool, LabiDesk has streamlined our processes. Eagerly awaiting the next update!

Alicia Sutton
Alicia Sutton
The ease of use and robust features of LabiDesk have made a significant difference in our customer engagement. Plus, their dedication to continuous improvement is clear.

Since adopting LabiDesk, our customer support team is more efficient. Looking forward to new features!

Harold Moore
Harold Moore
LabiDesk has transformed our approach to customer service. The anticipation for new, promised features is high.

Alex Ana
Alex Ana
I highly recommend this for its ease of use and effectiveness in managing customer support.

MD Amirul Islam
MD Amirul Islam
Nice product thanks @maker

WORST CUSTOMER SUPPORT EVER!!!! DO NOT BUY THIS SOFTWARE. I signed up for this product through appsumo and I wasted my money. Not only does the product have glitches but their customer support is horrible. I tried to get them to activate all 3 appsumo deals that I purchased but they were not responding to me. I tried emailing them since FEBRUARY then I tried messaging them on appsumo then I went on the website and contacted them in chat on the website and they said the issue would be resolved within 24 hours. I decided to give them the 24 hours and then the next day I came back and I see that my password for some reason was not working so I went to reset my password and it tells me that there is no account with that email?!?!?!? They must have deleted my account! I am so frustrated with this company.

Dennis R.
Dennis R.
Worst LTD of the world!

Max Power
Max Power

Ankur Singh
Ankur Singh