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11 Reviews
Andrew Alex
Andrew Alex
Recommended this product

If you don't know what to do, do an ICO, LOL

Charles Roberto Canato
Charles Roberto Canato
Does not recommend this product

You had lots more options from the old bots, like product recommendations, VERY NICE wardrobe suggestions, brands, and so. They weren't intrusive, but were available if you felt the need.

Were Samson Bruno
Were Samson Bruno
Does not recommend this product

Anastasia Green
Anastasia Green
Recommended this product

Kasey Luck
Kasey Luck
Recommended this product

Kenny Dubroff
Kenny Dubroff
Recommended this product

Tomi Adebanjo
Tomi Adebanjo
Recommended this product

Anne Dumant-jaubert
Anne Dumant-jaubert
Recommended this product

Sikiru Shittu
Sikiru Shittu
Recommended this product
Intelligent, very engaging and useful bot.

Chioma Omaka
Chioma Omaka
Recommended this product