GitHub Gardener

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29 Reviews
Marcos Vinícius Silva
Marcos Vinícius Silva
Does not recommend this product

It is bad for good devs who don't open source as much as they like (myself).

It is bad for companies which need people who really are into open source.

It is bad for devs as it generates a non-real competition, you've basically allowed us to cheat on your github-resume

Jerad Maplethorpe
Jerad Maplethorpe
Does not recommend this product

Dave Mackey
Dave Mackey
Does not recommend this product

Arpit Mathur.
Arpit Mathur.
Does not recommend this product

Max Riveiro
Max Riveiro
Does not recommend this product

Does not recommend this product

Yangshun Tay
Yangshun Tay
Does not recommend this product

Jemshit Iskenderov
Jemshit Iskenderov
Recommended this product

Tarcísio Melo
Tarcísio Melo
Does not recommend this product

Denis Arslanbekov
Denis Arslanbekov
Does not recommend this product