Discord Tickets

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5 Reviews
Angel Knutsen Aune
Fantastic, easy to use, and easy to setup if you have the knowledge of the platform you are trying to install it on

It's a perfect alternative to paid ticket bots with all features you need

Daniel Smith
Daniel Smith
We've used D.T. since the start of 2021 and it's proven itself over the multiple revisions to be a fantastic tool which our users actively use on a day to day basis for support. With category based role access it's a great way for us to allow our community support access to certain areas without letting them gain ticket areas they shouldn't be accessing.

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This bot is so good. It almost got all the features we need like Ticket Creation, Survey Management and more! I would prefer everyone to use this open-source bot. Also the support team is the best! Thank you so much for making this bot.

Sarvesh M Rao
Sarvesh M Rao
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