Day One - early-stage founder fellowship

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28 Reviews
Skippy Mesirow
Skippy Mesirow
I have LOVED my Day One experience, from all the way back in DayOne Cohort 3! I continue to participate in the community through my "Founders Pass" membership and love the guidance and support I get from Andrew and my fellow founders.

Char Andersson
Char Andersson
very helpful products.

Rahul Brahmbhatt
Rahul Brahmbhatt
Recommended this product
We listened and learned from 100s of Fellows, investors, and mentors and buit a community I WISH existed when I was pivoting careers and exploring the idea of being a founder. I had no idea of what to do or where to start. I was a part of a few "first-time founder" programs, but quickly learned that interest in me was strictly a function of what value I could bring to the table at that moment in time. We built Day One as a place where entrepreneurs could come to both learn and build. We quickly learned, though, that there is a specific set of circumstances needed (the right community, the right content, and the right forcing functions) to help that aspiring builder build conviction around a problem and/or idea. It was the right blend of networking, learning, and exploring. We took those elements and built Day Zero for people like me a few years ago. We are proud of what we are launching and hope it helps spur the next wave of confident entrepreneurs! Head over to to learn more and sign up today for a special 1-day only promotional membership rate!

caryn werner
caryn werner
Recommended this product
Great idea! I definitely could see myself using this. Bravo!

Alifya Valiji
Alifya Valiji
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Day Zero allows everyone and anyone to dip their toes in entrepreneurship surrounded by a supportive community. This product makes it feel *good* to scratch that entrepreneurial itch without spending a lot of $, quitting a job, or needing to announce it to the world. Just come, build, engage, be helpful and see what happens!

Packy McCormick
Packy McCormick
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Vivek Ranjan
Vivek Ranjan
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Mikhail Gorin
Mikhail Gorin
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Navid K
Navid K
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Mike Cimmarrusti
Mike Cimmarrusti
Recommended this product
Looking forward to getting ingrained in the community!!