DaftCloud for macOS

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23 Reviews
Hello, I have been using DaftCloud for over a year in France and it was working very well until very recently. Now it no longer works and "the application can no longer be downloaded in my country" is what the AppleStore writes to me. What to do ? Is it the same in countries other than France? Help me please.

Avi Flombaum
Avi Flombaum
Awesome product, love the Shazam integration, way better way to listen to Soundcloud on desktop!

Burak Tokak
Burak Tokak
Recommended this product


Daniel Mee
Daniel Mee
Recommended this product
Thank you for making premium a reasonably priced one-time payment @docterd. I was about to ditch the app when playback became premium and then saw it was a one time cost that's less than a movie ticket. I'll support that.

Tom Condon
Tom Condon
Does not recommend this product
Product does not work with 10.15.3! Not only does it not function, but it can't be made to go away without use of a kill function.

Delante Lee Bess
Delante Lee Bess
Reviewed this product

Keyboard commands are not functional

Roman Anistratenko
Roman Anistratenko
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Igor Garbuz
Igor Garbuz
Recommended this product
Cool app, but how to change streaming quality for sound cloud paying users ?

Alejandro H. Cruz
Alejandro H. Cruz
Recommended this product

Remus Baltariu
Remus Baltariu
Reviewed this product