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6 Reviews
Chris Vasquez
Chris Vasquez
Recommended this product

I’ve been really loving this newsletter from Meghan and feel like my perspective is shifted in meaningful ways as a result of reading each issue. The fact that I get this awesome value in 2 minutes or less is the icing on the cake.

I’m lucky enough to get to work in Product with Meghan at AWeber, and get to see her empathy for customers and consistent focus on the problem and not the solution basically every day. Even with that experience I feel like this newsletter is an additional window into what makes Meghan so successful at her job.

I’d definitely recommend this for either folks who current own or manage a product or people who are looking to get into product management. If you have questions, definitely @mjnesta.

Rebecca Pollard
Rebecca Pollard
Recommended this product

This is an awesome product that will really help me segment my audience better and deliver more personalized content.

Kimberly Robbins
Kimberly Robbins
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Jake Wallace
Jake Wallace
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Liz Willits
Liz Willits
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Chris Fox
Chris Fox
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