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72 Reviews
一個從免費的書籤應用程式改為強制使用者付費,然後方案改為免費使用者無法新增任何書籤? 合理的升級應該是提供使用者至少最基本服務(新增書籤),更多客制或高級的功能設計是使用者願意提升自己的使用行為進而消費。 一個連最基本新增書籤都無法的書籤管理應用,只能期待官方有一天醒悟至少把這閹割的功能還給使用者。

Jay bug
Jay bug
Pretty fond of bublup

Pradeep Singh
Pradeep Singh
Recommended this product
As an app developer and small business owner, Bublup enables me to stay organized, share content/collaborate with my team, and publish webpages and instantly update them (using Bublup "rolls" feature), e.g., I instantly update this live webpage (a "roll") anytime anyone writes a review about my app -- https://rolls.bublup.com/galarm/reviews. For personal use cases, bublup helps me collaborate with friends and family -- photo sharing, travel planning, shopping lists to name a few. E.g., I love the visual way of bookmarking URLs and creating a checklist of items with pictures to making purchase decisions and take everyone's opinions. I love the "group folder" concept with commenting and reactions features.. I highly recommend Bublup to everyone to stay organized on their home and work projects.

David Hunt
David Hunt
Recommended this product
Love using Bublup for photo storage with friends BUT moving into using it for business and productivity. I think the ease of folder segmentation will help us with our weekly sprints and tracking to previous product iterations.

Ed Stutzman
Ed Stutzman
Recommended this product
This is a fantastic app for saving links with excellent integrations. I love its ability to organize my saves as I do them. The user experience when browsing my saves is great. It’s fun to scroll through my articles which motivates me to keep adding more. I am a huge fan of Pocket but I must admit I have not saved there in a lonnnng time due to Bublup.

Tom DeCicco
Tom DeCicco
Recommended this product
🙌🏻🔥 I've been using Bublup for 2+ years and have used it to help organize and share my professional portfolio, documents, education materials and even personal photos of my family. The visual organization offers an ease-of-access unlike any other cloud service out there. The brains behind Bublup actively listen to the wants, needs, and feedback of the user community. They strive to offer the best user experience while constantly checking off & adding wishlist items to evolve the platform into exactly what you need it to be. Highly recommended. I love Bublup. ❤️

Lesley Kretai
Lesley Kretai
Recommended this product
I have been using Bublup to help organise Rolls for my ESL students since the pandemic hit. It is very visual and highly editable. This makes it an ideal application to use. :) Highly recommended!

Dwarf Hank Friday
Dwarf Hank Friday
Recommended this product
So glad I happened upon Bublup last year. It has become essential to both work and home life, and has mostly replaced several apps AND my bookmarks bar, bringing everything together in one simple, organized, and searchable place. I have used Bublup for researching various projects, prepping for meetings, presentations, taking visual inventory at work so everyone can find things (a similar app that does visual inventory is $40/month! Bublup replaces that!), keeping all our office "sticky notes" and customer communications searchable, communicating and sharing files around the office, sharing proofs and drafts with clients via rolls, and making lists and storing files as well as a bunch of other things. I haven't even begun on the personal uses. Bublup should have been called "LifeHub" because that's what it is for me.

Daniel Paul
Daniel Paul
Recommended this product
I love Bublup. Been using it for several months and found it invaluable. It helps me to share information with my remote team and keep track of information I want to have at my fingertips. I also use the RollUp feature to quickly publish Rolls of interesting materials. I feel like I have only scratched the surface of what Bublup can do for me. I am on the verge of paying for the premium product. It is that much a part of my workflow.

Josh Pavano
Josh Pavano
Recommended this product
I’ve been using Bublup pretty much since its inception and I’m not sure what I would do without it. I use it to manage clients, transfer files, create inspiration boards, store and manage files. It is everything you want from Pinterest, Dropbox, google drive, and we transfer all in one. The customer service and development teams at Bublup are always listening to new ways to improve the product and have always listened to all of my suggestions. It’s great to see a team that is always looking to improve and make a better product. I don’t have enough good things to say about Bublup. Amazing app and product!