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19 Reviews
Daniel Li
Daniel Li

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Balanced Great DéFi product with unrivaled UX/UI, which will drive it's adoption without a doubt. Currently users can leverage their ICX as collateral to mint a USD-stablecoin while mining the BALN governance token, but the possibilities are endless. More collateral options will follow, think tokenized assets (eg real estate, precious metals, stocks, ...) and NFT's. Get in fast and own a piece of a decentralized bank. The BALN governance token doesn't only give you governance rights, but also gives you part of the platform fees, distributed daily. Furthermore Balanced is in a great position being built upon ICON blockchain which will launch its interoperability feature (BTP) in July 2021, meaning access to the biggest blockchain ecosystems rather than operating in it's own silo ecosystem. Future is bright for Balanced protocol and it's users.

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Alan D
Alan D
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Antonio Di Fede
Antonio Di Fede
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Nick Palacios
Nick Palacios
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Xin Jhao
Xin Jhao
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Saungwon Ko
Saungwon Ko
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Johan B
Johan B
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