Available for Gmail

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20 Reviews
Eric Kerr
Eric Kerr
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Very cool product. A few suggestions: - Does this support multiple google calendars? It only looks like the main account/calendar is imported. - Is there a settings area or a way to log out? - A nice UX improvement would be to support dragging over multiple time slots (as a range) instead of having to press them all individually. - It would be nice to only repeat the timezone once, and put "(All times PT)" for the top one instead of (PT) next to every time. I think this is a more natural way of communicating available times over email.

Jason McMinn
Jason McMinn
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@_shahedk - this is amazing. Your problem analysis is spot on . . . particularly about the optics of asking someone to book time on Calendly when you are asking for their time. GREAT WORK!

Jeremy Olson
Jeremy Olson
Recommended this product
This is amazing, was just wondering if there is something like this out there. Thanks for making it!

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I loved using Available. A lot of my work requires back n forth with customers and I hate switching between my email and calendar to get visibility. I tried the product and love the fact that it automatically places availability into the body of the email. It's a simple solution for a 10 year old problem. Thanks, Shahed!

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it will be great if the recipient is able to create a calendar invite for one of the suggested time slots from the mail itself.

Justin Lucido
Justin Lucido
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Nailed the name... Game changer for sales professionals, executive assistants and anyone who values their time. Available will give you back minutes of the day that are wasted toggling back and forth between screens while booking meetings. Great idea and looking forward to seeing this technology used on every device in the near future.

Richard Stewart
Richard Stewart
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Every time I receive a Calendly link to book a meeting, it just doesn't feel right and I've had reservations about sending them out too. This is the perfect fix - simple to use with the button in the email composition frame. Nice one, thank you.

Patsy Gradwohl
Patsy Gradwohl
Recommended this product
Awesome product. I have used many calendar scheduling tools being in sales and none of them are as easy and efficient as this product! Saves so much time when trying to schedule demos or any meeting. I love it!

Arda Helvacılar
Arda Helvacılar
Does not recommend this product

Andrew Piper
Andrew Piper
Does not recommend this product
Not Available