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33 Reviews
Mohit Joshi
Mohit Joshi
An awesome low code tool for backend /admin portal generation

OUSMANE Mohamed Sadjad
OUSMANE Mohamed Sadjad
Easiest way to setup a production ready backend.

Rahul pratap
Rahul pratap

Recommended this product
Great products @yuval_hazaz already planning on using it for some projects. It will be seriously powerful once all the features are rolled out.

Alec Dewitz
Alec Dewitz
Recommended this product

Zyeron Pherox
Zyeron Pherox
Recommended this product
Such a fine idea this is something truly valuable and very helpful. So keep rocking.

Muthukumaran Devadass
Muthukumaran Devadass
Recommended this product
It is wonderful idea. Very well put together product. Great job team.

Diogo Mafra
Diogo Mafra
Recommended this product

Inbal Shenfeld
Inbal Shenfeld
Recommended this product

Sujoy Datta
Sujoy Datta
Recommended this product