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141 Reviews
Jao Japitana
Jao Japitana
Who doesn't love using this? Amazon just continues to amaze me

Все чудово працює. Успіхів надалі та всього найкращого.

Great project, strong team. I Hope successfully this project.

My wife absolutely loves this marketplace and have been using it once or twice per year every year as well 🌹

Franklin Ferreira De Lima
Franklin Ferreira De Lima
It's very different because we can make a suitable environment to connect the work.

Mirza Shani
Mirza Shani
No experience no jujmet no reqwarment

Mark Bruns
Mark Bruns
Amazon is not terrible, but it tends to disappoint now ... in the manner that eBay, after being a red hot auction right out of the gate in the mid-90s, but routinely disappointed 25 years ago. This disappointment is not really end-end final user; the disappointment is at the level of solid people entrepreneurially trying to build a business on the Amazon foundation. Amazon has lost the maniacal focus on the INTELLIGENT vendors and smart customers, ie not just the readers but the self-publishers creating their own brands in the content world ... Amazon Publishing for self-publishers, sort of launched Amazon as being more than a cut-rate bookseller and publishing turned into being a conduit for clothing sellers and everything else ... so that the outside-the-box, but practical cloudthink of Amazon we saw in the 2000s launched the web services side hustle into becoming the AWS foundation [used by Netflix, et al to define whole new industries] of the mid 2010s or so. I still use Amazon ... and might use it more, but I believe that Amazon really needs to radically invest in upping its game when it comes to being a FOUNDATION for others to build enterprises upon ... for much wider array super-reliable, maybe specialized top-of-the-top-tier NEW products and NEW services ... by say, things like offering EDA suites for new VLSI chips/sensors or CAD/CAM simulating tools to help product inventors work with mfrs ... to bring products from idea stage TO design validated in the virtual realm TO rapidly sourced and built in the best-of-the-best mfg plants ... RATHER than competing for the lowest common denominator crap like the lower end stuff pushed Temu [owned by Pinduoduo or 拼多多] or the commodity Alibaba Cloud [or Aliyun web services or 阿里云].

DY Venture
DY Venture
too many affiliate products these days

Koopa Troopa
Koopa Troopa
ai amazon

Shah Ansari
Shah Ansari
Empower flying horse and outstanding balance !!