Aloha Browser

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6 Reviews
Sinem Özbey
Sinem Özbey
I have not regretted for a second my choice of this browser with built-in VPN. The convenience and security is top notch!

Really need to stay anonymous online for work. Stumbled across Aloha just recently and already admire it. Inexpensive, convenient and very fast browser!

Jess W
Jess W
Quick, easy to use interface


Scott Millar
Scott Millar
Recommended this product

Well done to the developers -they haven’t let success go to their heads and turned into greedy coporate fat cats! Their dedication to GDPR isn’t just lip service as is the case with many big names, I like their stance on privacy being a basic human right! Nice one guys!

Andrew Moroz
Andrew Moroz
Recommended this product