AI-powered YouTube Idea Generator

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9 Reviews
Shelby Lee
Shelby Lee
When generating ideas for the prompt "Fun Cybersecurity for Businesses" it gave me this idea: "A cybersecurity video starring a group of obese computer geeks who are too lazy to shower and instead just let the sweat build up on their bodies for weeks on end." While that sounds educational, it's not an ideal youtube idea for a business password manager. Other prompts were equally unhelpful.

Andrew West
Andrew West
Only a good idea if it's useful. This was too quickly pushed out with all the other network ideas. Honestly, the human ideas are way better than the AI's. The AI "HAS" to be a satirical comedy because it's ideas are GREAT if we are looking for comedy skits.

Vahid Bagherian
Vahid Bagherian
The application does not work Its api is disconnected

Kim Salmi
Kim Salmi
Recommended this product
This is awesome 🔥 You can really feel the silly Youtube data when trying some using some serious words describing your idea

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Great idea. I really love all these new micro GPT3 products that have been emerging lately.

Johan Cutych
Johan Cutych
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William Felker
William Felker
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Alexis Bardini
Alexis Bardini
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Sebastian Novak
Sebastian Novak
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