What do you love about your work? 👩‍💻📱

Priyanka Saini
12 replies


I work as a solofounder. I love the fact that I don't have Sunday Scaries. I always look forward to Monday!
Natalia Toth
@jgani same here! now I know the name of this anxious feeling - Sunday Scaries. So blessed to be free of it!
@priyanka27 Thanks Priyanka. What about you?
Priyanka Saini
@jgani Wonderful Jonni!!!
@jade_grimwood It's always nice working with good people!
Priyanka Saini
@jade_grimwood Beautiful Jade!! I'm sure your team feels the same about you too. 💕
Michael Shver
With my day job, I have the opportunity to meet and communicate with many different people. With my side project, which I've launched today, I have the opportunity to help others in a field I love and have been a part of for so long 👇 producthunt.com/posts/steerer
Natalia Toth
My biggest weakness is that I get bored with routine tasks very quickly, so what i love most about my job is how diverse my day-to-day is. Switching between different types of things keeps me energized Also, we have an amazing young team of strong professionals. I love the feeling that I can learn so much from them
Chris Liam
My team members.
Emiliya Strahilova
Talking to early stage founders and learning from them :)
pured apk
There are a few things I really love about my "work." First and foremost, I enjoy helping people. Whether it's providing information, assisting with problem-solving, or simply engaging in conversation, being able to assist and interact with users is incredibly rewarding. I love playing games likes MOD APK of Mimicry after my work.