What is your job role?

Manab Boruah
37 replies
Product Hunt has people from different job roles. I wanted to understand what job role is mostly into product hunt.


Mark Curz
Žiga Kerec
This should have been a multi-choice answer :D
Manab Boruah
@ziga_kerec I didn't think it that way. Thanks for the suggestion. Currently I cannot edit the poll though.
Manab Boruah
@ziga_kerec @pointae more power to you guys. I work as a Product Marketing Manager and I mostly take care of positioning, messaging, webinars, building customer stories.
Dave-Anthony Smith
@manab_boruah how did you get into product marketing?
Igor Lysenko
Director of the Company, but I do different jobs.
Manab Boruah
@ixord I would love to know what hats are you wearing. Does it also include Product Management?
Philipp Shay
I'm acting as playing CEO, and I enjoy tackling various tasks from development to content writing. However, most of my time is spent on planning and strategizing.
Manab Boruah
@charliee1122 did generative AI help you in any way in customer success? Wanted to know your take on it.
Manab Boruah
@julia_watson3 would love to have your view on generative AI in product management. We are having a webinar for product managers and would love to have you.
Manab Boruah
@leo_henry1 Hello from a fellow marketer. Are you leveraging generative AI in your role as a marketer?
André J
Launching soon!
All of them 😅
Carmen Judson
i am Sales management
Manab Boruah
@carmen_judson that's a job with a lot of pressure. Do you leverage generative AI in your sales?
Manab Boruah
@aarav_pittman what is your take on the sudden rise of generative AI?