What’s one thing you wish you knew before starting your business?

10 replies
What would have made a difference or helped you if you'd known from the start?


Business Marketing with Nika
That shifting the product and waiting for purchases is quite optimistic. It is better to share the whole journey (even when the product is not completed) :D
Business Marketing with Nika
@toni_pm But I saw a few people who stopped doing buildinpublic because some companies started to copy their moves. :/
@busmark_w_nika Indeed copycats is the risk you must deal with when building in public. But globally, I feel it's more rewording that the potential risk of someone stealing your idea and executing it better than you before you release it.
Business Marketing with Nika
@toni_pm Yes, I think that when one to protect himself from being copycatted, still can share some things but not so "detailed".
Marie-Philippe Leblanc
Knowing how to gain traction and talk to investors!
Alex Bozhin
Launching soon!
Listen to yourself more than other people
Gurkaran Singh
I wish I knew earlier the magical power of setting boundaries between work and personal life; it's like installing the latest firewall for your sanity, right?