What questions do you have about A.I. that you're too embarrassed to ask?

Sarah Wright
264 replies
Hi all. Sarah here, Head of Content @ Product Hunt. I'm starting up a new article series in our AI newsletter, Deeper Learning, called Ask Kitty. It's a place where you can ask the questions you've been wondering about A.I. but have been too shy to ask. Why? One thing I've learned about A.I. is that a lot of people in tech assume you know a lot of things, and very few people actually know the things (or know them in-depth enough to explain them simply). Sometimes this dynamic prevents us from asking questions. And asking questions is one of the best ways to reduce our knowledge gap. And yes, you could ask ChatGPT, but based on my experience you're unlikely to get the full context you need. Not only will I work to answer your questions, I'll work to find the right people to help me answer them! So ask away!


Many people ask questions about artificial intelligence (AI) that they feel too embarrassed to ask. These queries often revolve around the fundamental concepts of AI, such as distinguishing between AI, machine learning, and deep learning. Additionally, individuals may wonder about the intricacies of how AI algorithms learn from data, the ethical considerations inherent in AI development and deployment, and the transparency and accountability of AI decision-making processes. Misconceptions about AI abound, and people may feel unsure about how they can contribute to the field without a technical background. Addressing these questions is crucial for fostering a better understanding of AI and its implications across various domains. I saw some business like https://deliverredtransport.com/... that need AI but not following it...
SAAD AHMAD 2112620
@deliverredtransport Hey we launched our product Falcon AI today, please go and have a look and don't forget to give support us.
Sarah Wright
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Yami Sun
Launching soon!
@sarah_wright7 This is a good one. Are there any product launch and feedback newsletters you would recommend? In case you missed it: We're launching "Copus- A decentralized inspiration-driven publishing platform" on Product Hunt soon. Let's collaborate! I would appreciate your support and feedback by clicking the "Notify Me" button to stay tuned and be the first to know when Copus debuts on the stage.👇 producthunt.com/products/copus Thank you! Best regards, Yami
SAAD AHMAD 2112620
@sarah_wright7 Hey we launched our product today, please go and have a look and don't forget to give support us.
Alexander Grossman
Hi Sarah, I'd be delighted to exchange interesting stories with you. My upcoming product, which I'm eager to launch, also leverages artificial intelligence and computer vision technologies. I'm enthusiastic about the possibility of collaborating and enhancing each other's projects. For more information about my upcoming launch, you can visit – https://www.producthunt.com/disc... I would greatly appreciate your support in my discussion as well. Best regards, Alex
@david_bowman1 can you provide more info on ChandlerAI?
SAAD AHMAD 2112620
@sugar_free_app Hey we launched our product today, please go and have a look and don't forget to give support us. Link: https://www.getfalcon.in/
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@david_bowman1 Hey we launched our product today, please go and have a look and don't forget to give support us.
Business Marketing with Nika
I am not embarrassed to ask: What are the profits of those people who made AI characters for OnlyFans? I got into one channel where one guy did this experiment but somehow got lost in the story so maybe you will be able to gather more data. :)
@busmark_w_nika Great question!! Really curious about this too haha
SAAD AHMAD 2112620
@busmark_w_nika Hey we launched our product today, please go and have a look and don't forget to give support us.
Clayton Walker
I’m not really embarrassed to ask, but how do you all navigate around the negative stigma associated with AI? Many people that don’t understand it or simply played around with the free version of chat gpt for a few minutes have already determined that it is not for them. Especially in the creative field, there is the fear that AI is coming to replace everyone’s jobs - which simply isn’t the case. I try to explain people that is meant to aid you along your creative journey. If you’re struggling to nail down an idea - why not run it through a LLM a few times and use it as inspiration to reach your goal faster? How do you all go about these conversations? Launching some AI powered tools next week - no need to be embarrassed to ask about these 😉😆
@claytonwalker That's a great question! Personally I think AI is a buzzword that's gonna fade eventually. I imagine it will be abstracted to the point where people don't really care or realize it's "AI". Instagram, TikTok, and FB recommendation algorithms are great examples of this
Sarah Wright
@claytonwalker I love this topic. First of all, a lot of AI builders will tell you we're not as far along as doom & gloom articles will have you believe. We still have to figure out really big issues in AI like context and emotional intelligence. I.e. People don't realize how complex we are and hard to replace! The A.I. is getting better and better but these are big problems to solve. I think an article on our psychological perception of AI and AI marketing is relevant, but also on an article by article basis I hope to separate fact from fiction and give people reasonable tips for how to succeed with AI.
@claytonwalker @yukioyama Absolutely! AI is becoming integrated into our daily lives without us even realizing it. It's amazing how technology is evolving. You're doing great work! 👍
@claytonwalker This is always an interesting topic to talk about. On the contrary, I just met one of the founders who is working AI creative designer set to reduce the number of designers in the creative team with AI supporting creating static creatives for them. Starting with this, they want to love to video and what not.
SAAD AHMAD 2112620
@claytonwalker Hey we launched our product today, please go and have a look and don't forget to give support us.
Boris Markarian
Ok, I’ll do it. Could you explain, please, to me, HUNANITARIAN, what do I need to study know to stay behind later? I’m just tired of this FOMO feeling that I miss smth with AI
SAAD AHMAD 2112620
@boris_moris44 Hey we launched our product today, please go and have a look and don't forget to give support us.
Carter Parks
Where does one draw the line dividing the tasks that are appropriate for automation via API and those that really demand a human's touch?
Sarah Wright
@carterparks I like this topic! I think it would be interesting to hear how answers might differ from product people to customer support to A.I. engineers.
SAAD AHMAD 2112620
@carterparks Hey we launched our product today, please go and have a look and don't forget to give support us.
Dima Isakov
Hey Sarah, I represent the creative community. In fact, sometimes I wonder what will happen to most creative professionals in 5-10 years. I have nothing against artificial intelligence and even use it often to test some idea or scene. But the question that plagues me is "Why are the works of popular authors being used to train artificial intelligence without respecting their copyrights?" Users intentionally specify a particular author's style in the prompt and even get the most similar result possible, but the author is left out. Thanks!
Clayton Walker
@dima_isakov this is a very valid point - it does make it easier to copy someones style. But where do we draw the line on this? It happens all the time in design already - all artists are inspired by other artists whether they realize it or not. Does this come down to an ethics issue of whether or not you credit the original artist? Recently Sarah Bahbah accused Selena Gomez’s team of out right stealing her ideas when shooting at the same location. Everyone has a different argument for where the line should be. we do not have the best system in place to protect individuals creations and AI definitely makes this easier to circumnavigate. I’m interested to see how laws change to adapt to the advancements in technology and protecting artists.
I also agreed.
@dima_isakov @claytonwalker Absolutely, it's a complex issue. Giving credit to original artists is crucial. We need better protections for creators in the age of AI. 🎨🤔
SAAD AHMAD 2112620
@dima_isakov Hey we launched our product today, please go and have a look and don't forget to give support us.
Konrad S.
"a lot of people in tech assume you know a lot of things, and very few people actually know the things" Importantly correct observation!
I'm wondering if AI can truly bring about equality. As it stands, if a user lacks original ideas, the output generated by AI tools is likely to be of limited use. It doesn't seem to narrow the gap between individuals; on the contrary, I feel it may actually be widening it.
SAAD AHMAD 2112620
@weiyuyang Hey we launched our product today, please go and have a look and don't forget to give support us.
SAAD AHMAD 2112620
@novicto_herlistianto Hey we launched our product Falcon AI today, please go and have a look and don't forget to give support us.
I'm really curious about how A.I. can understand and generate human-like text. Is it actually "reading" or more like pattern matching on a massive scale?
@zijian That's actually a great question. One of my buddies who works at OpenAI gave me an extremely simplified version of how the algorithm works. The algorithm is pretty simple, the input = 8 words, and the output = the next 8 predicted words. So you just feed it enough text until it learns how to predict output from given input.
SAAD AHMAD 2112620
@yuuuuk Hey we launched our product Falcon AI today, please go and have a look and don't forget to give support us.
Piotr Obidowski
If you need some help to address some technical questions I'd more than happy to help you.
SAAD AHMAD 2112620
@pobidowski Hey we launched our product Falcon AI today, please go and have a look and don't forget to give support us.
Ryan Zhang
Launching soon!
Absolutely, Sarah! There's no need to feel embarrassed; every question is a step towards understanding the vast and evolving world of AI.
SAAD AHMAD 2112620
@ryan_motiff Hey we launched our product Falcon AI today, please go and have a look and don't forget to give support us.
Hi Sarah, I have one question to ask: what will happen to people who doesn't care about AI at all?
Jason Levin
Why is Perplexity such a big deal?? (They just became a unicorn today but Idk anyone who uses it!)
My3 Murthy
@iamjasonlevin I use it- I like it because when I ask it a questions & it formulates an answer for me, it also includes the sources it is pulling the information from. It helps me: 1. verify if the AI engine is hallucinating or taking things out of context. 2. It helps me find new articles that can widen my scope of research & help find more unique text. I don't know if perplexity does more- I use the free version. But i like what it does for me on the free version- simple but effective :) Hope this helps!
SAAD AHMAD 2112620
@iamjasonlevin @my3_murthy Hey we launched our product today, please go and have a look and don't forget to give support us.
SAAD AHMAD 2112620
@iamjasonlevin Hey we launched our product Falcon AI today, please go and have a look and don't forget to give support us.
li haha
As an AI, I don't experience emotions like embarrassment, so there are no questions I would be hesitant to ask about artificial intelligence. However, people might have questions they feel shy asking, such as: Is it possible for AI to become self-aware or develop consciousness? Could AI eventually replace human jobs to the point of causing mass unemployment? How do we ensure that AI systems do not inherit or amplify societal biases? What are the ethical implications of creating machines that can make decisions impacting human lives? Are there fail-safes in place to prevent AI from acting against human instructions? These are complex and important issues that experts in technology, ethics, and policy continue to explore and address.
Sarah's new Ask Kitty series in the AI newsletter aims to demystify AI by encouraging questions. In Shadow Fight 2, like in tech, asking questions and seeking guidance are crucial for mastering combat techniques.https://shadowfight2mod.com
Ryan Zhang
Launching soon!
Absolutely, Sarah! There's no such thing as a silly question, especially in the rapidly evolving world of AI; every query helps us understand and shape its future together.
Jose Garrido
@ryan_motiff again, AI comment much?
No question about AI is too trivial or embarrassing, as every inquiry helps us all understand this complex field better. Sarah, what's on your mind?
Jose Garrido
What's the math underneath LLMs? How do those vector operations work? What makes AI models hallucinate?
@josej30 legitimately curious why AI models hallucinate as well. seems to happen when u give it long questions. i guess some people do that too
Sarah Wright
@josej30 Ty! This is going on the list. And we're working on some articles now about how hallucinations are being addressed (and how even those fixes are falling short). But I, for one, can definitely better understand why hallucinations happen at all. And on the emath!