Launching in 30 days - Hunter or No Hunter?

Alvaro Villalba Perez
9 replies
We're wondering whether a hunter would give our product more reach. What are your thoughts?


Congratulations on the upcoming launch, Alvaro! It sounds like an exciting milestone, and leveraging Product Hunt could be a great way to gain visibility and feedback from a vibrant community.
Michael Shver
Usually, hunters give more reach when they have many followers and are active in the community 🤔 We are launching without a hunter though. We'll see how it goes! 👇
Alvaro Villalba Perez
@michaelshver we actually launched before without a hunter, and I'd 100% recommend it. It's always a great experience and an opportunity to build credibility yourself as a builder
Kate Ramakaieva
If hunter is not just a hunter but your supporter, advisor, partner in launch - then it can work great!
Alvaro Villalba Perez
@kate_ramakaieva can't agree more. I guess it depends on the type of relation you have with the hunter
Hossein Yazdi
From what I've seen from top products, launching with a hunter still seems helpful. I've seen makers with huge audiences themselves still launching by a hunter, in my opinion, you wouldn't lose anything if you'd launch by a hunter, however, if you launch yourself, your product may easily go unnoticed, especially if your followers are low.