As per experience show us about your greatest calculated risk that you can do as an entrepreneur.

Mark Lemuel M
4 replies
This question invites entrepreneurs to share their most significant calculated risks, illustrating the decision-making process and the factors that led to taking the risk. It seeks to highlight how careful planning, analysis, and confidence in their vision contributed to the eventual outcome, offering insights and inspiration to others.


Looks like you’ve started a discussion using ChatGPT for ideas 🤣
Mark Lemuel M
@sreenington yup! I try to maintain activeness here by creating topics which can lead to good conversations!
Gurkaran Singh
Oh, my greatest calculated risk as an entrepreneur? Let's just say it was like playing a game of high-stakes chess with "Monopoly" money! The thrill of strategy, the rush of decision-making, and a sprinkle of luck – that's what kept me on the edge of my seat! How about you? Any risky moves that paid off in your entrepreneurial journey?
Mark Lemuel M
@thestarkster My stake is the same! if you are not all in in what you do as entrepreneur , you will absolutely fail. Because it is part of the journey and clients will feel that if they are buying products from for you