A list of overly repeated questions on PH!

Salar Davari
28 replies
Whether it's accidental or not, some questions keep reappearing on PH. Here is a list of the ones I've come across over and over. You're welcome to contribute! 1. Who's launching this week/month? 2. Which Saas do you suggest? 3. Which AI tool do you think is the best? 4. Do you work on the weekend? 5. How/when did you find your first client? 6. How do you start/plan your day? 7. launching soon. Any tips? 8. LinkedIn or Twitter? 9. Are you a morning person or a night owl? 10. Will AI replace humanity?


Igor Lysenko
I also saw a lot of questions "tea or coffee?"
André J
Launching soon!
@ixord A or B? 1 or 2?
Salar Davari
@ixord This is a good one. Strange I forgot this.
Umar Saleem
@ixord 😂😂😂
Kate Chasten
How did you come up with your startup idea ?
Umar Saleem
@kate_chasten That too😂😂
Michael Shver
Not really a question, but "celebrating X days streak" kind of posts 😂
Michael Shver
@salar__davari usually goes with "what's your current streak" or "what's your best streak" kind of question, though 🤔
Salar Davari
@michaelshver Yea. Now I can add it to the list. Thank you Michael. By the way. had a quick look at your Product. Let me know when you launch.
Salar Davari
@michaelshver Yea. I only didn't put there because it wasn't a question 😂.
Michael Shver
@salar__davari we are launching tomorrow! 🔥
Hossein Yazdi
That's interesting, however, most repeated topics are created mainly for marketing or promotion, so there's a good point in repeating them! :)
Salar Davari
@hosseinyazdi Yeap. For some, this is kind of "farming" but it has a short-term effect. The question "Twitter or LinkedIn" has been asked so many times that not many are now willing to even think about it.
Umar Saleem
Agreed!!! 😂😂😂
Absolutely, Salar! Identifying common questions not only helps streamline discussions but also encourages more unique and in-depth conversations.
Konrad S.
Yes, it's boring. People should think more before they write!
Salar Davari
@konrad_sx Definitely. True Product Hunters ask constructive questions only.
Meredith Lancaster
I am pretty sure I've see all of these questions!
Salar Davari
@meredith_lancaster Yea. Everyone has. By the way, I see you're launching soon. Let me be there on the big day.
I've noticed these questions popping up frequently too, especially the ones about AI tools and finding clients.
Salar Davari
@moon10 Yea. sometimes, it's unintentional but most of the not!
Yami Sun
Launching soon!
I can tell that you're quite active on Product Hunt:) We're launching "Copus” soon and would appreciate your support and feedback:
👇 producthunt.com/products/copus
 Thank you!
Salar Davari
@yamisun Sure. I'll be there.
Pleasure Meditation
Opinions are like..(noses).. I suppose. Everybody has one. Mine is, though common questions, the ones listed above are “new” and “good” ones for the new arrivals here on PH. Also, as you suggested, there’s nothing holding anyone back from posting fresh, new questions. I challenge everyone to come up with one shiny new question they’ve never seen before. 🫶😎🫶