The best static site generators in 2024

Tried, tested, and reviewed by the community

DevswallAstroEleventyShipixenControlLean Canvas AIJust Launch Itdocsify
Static site generators are tools used to build websites that consist of static HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files. Unlike dynamic websites that generate content dynamically from a database, static site generators pre-build the website's pages, which can then be served directly to us
Auth0 by Okta
Auth0 by Okta
Make login our problem. Not yours. Get started today.
84 reviews
World's first platform dedicated to developers for creating & showcasing portfolios. Whether you're job hunting, freelancing, just graduating -- {devswall} is your solution to build Software Portfolio that gets you hired FAST!!
Hashir Hassan
Emily Miller
Muhammad Ali
Hashir Hassan and 86 others use Devswall
32 reviews
Build fast content-driven websites, powerful SPA web applications, dynamic server APIs and everything in-between.
Fred K. Schott
Colin McDermott
Fred K. Schott and 213 others use Astro
16 reviews
A simpler static site generator. An alternative to Jekyll. Written in JavaScript. Transforms a directory of templates (of varying types) into HTML. Works with HTML, Markdown, JavaScript, Liquid, Nunjucks, Handlebars, Mustache, EJS, Haml, and Pug.
Stephanie Eckles
Pelle Wessman
Stefan Pettersson
Stephanie Eckles and 70 others use Eleventy
5 reviews
Create a production-ready landing page & blog with your branding, theme & pages. You get the code & an SEO-optimized website so you can focus on building, not setting up.
Carl Poppa
Marcel Sim
Jitesh Ghanchi ⭕ and 23 others use Shipixen
5 reviews
Design, edit, animate and launch websites from your browser. Get your invite at 🎟️ Made in NYC🗽 and Lviv 🇺🇦.
Ross Sokolovski
Khalea Berry
Vlad Bahara
Ross Sokolovski and 28 others use Control
Quickly preview your startup idea as a Lean Canvas using AI.
Helghardt Avenant
Kshitij Mishra
Hardy Hu
Helghardt Avenant and 13 others use Lean Canvas AI
A fully-loaded SvelteKit boilerplate to rapidly build and launch your unicorn SaaS, AI or web startup so you can get to market faster. Skip the boring stuff and get straight to building your product, validate your ideas and earn $$$ faster.
Bristi Jana
James Joffe
Sriparna Sadhukhan
Bristi Jana and 4 others use Just Launch It
3 reviews
Docsify generates your documentation website on the fly. To start using it, all you need to do is create an index.html and deploy it on GitHub Pages.
Hibbitts Design
Joseph Orbegoso Pea
Yujia Li
Hibbitts Design and 3 others use docsify
3 reviews
Gradus is an open-source tool that enables you to create code labs using both markdown and rich markdown components. Additionally, Gradus is experimenting with AI-enabled features to enhance its capabilities. It offers the flexibility to operate either server-side or client-side, depending on your preference. Additionally, Gradus is experimenting with AI-enabled features to enhance its capabilities.
Asit Sonawane
Shivam Singh
Vrijraj Singh
Asit Sonawane and 5 others use Gradus
3 reviews
Lume is the Galician word for fire but also a (yet another) static site generator for Deno. It’s inspired by other general-purpose static site generators, such as Jekyll and Eleventy, but it’s more flexible and easier to use and configure.
Oscar Otero
Sophia Isabella
Oscar Otero and 22 others use Lume