What's your plan after launching on Product Hunt?

Jonni Gani
8 replies
Launching on Product Hunt is a big milestone, but people rarely talk about what happens after that. Do you gather more user feedback? Do more marketing? Or ...?


Ryan Zhang
After launching on Product Hunt, our plan is to meticulously analyze user feedback and engagement metrics to refine our product further. We're also gearing up for a series of targeted marketing campaigns to sustain the momentum and reach a wider audience.
After launching on Product Hunt, our plan is to gather and analyze user feedback to continuously improve our product's features and usability. We also aim to leverage the visibility and connections made during the launch to forge strategic partnerships and expand our user base.
Devin Zhang
My plan is to improve the product while doing more SEO-related and social media promotion.
Ashutosh Raj
We would want to build with the community and also plan out our road to establishing PMF soon after PH launch! Hoping the launch gives us a good boost and we are able to add value to the PH community with our product and vision!
@ashutosh_raj Super interesting! Where do you to engage and build with the community?
Asmitha Rathis
This would depend on how much traffic and feedback I am able to collect after the PH launch. If I can drive up my free installs and get user feedback, I can go back and improve the product and build features that can help the customers
@asmitha_rathis1 How do you plan to get user feedback Asmitha? Which tool will you use?