What are your initial impressions of transitioning from GPT-4 Turbo to GPT-4o?

Qudsia Ali
5 replies
Let's discuss today that how do you anticipate this shift impacting your workflow and productivity?


Switching from GPT-4 Turbo to GPT-4o feels smoother and more intuitive. The responses seem more natural and context-aware, making conversations flow better. Performance-wise, it feels faster and more efficient, handling complex queries with ease. Overall, a noticeable upgrade in both speed and quality.
Launching soon!
@lelekou Great to hear! Switching to GPT-4o seems like a smooth upgrade—better flow, faster responses, and improved quality. Thanks for sharing your experience!
Nataliya Trotsenko
My initial impressions are positive, noting improved efficiency and more refined responses. GPT-4o seems to offer enhanced context understanding, making interactions smoother and more coherent.
Launching soon!
@natalie_trotsenko Sounds like GPT-4o is off to a promising start for you! Improved efficiency and refined responses are always welcome, and enhanced context understanding can definitely elevate the conversation experience. Looking forward to hearing more about your experiences with it!