International Labour Day tomorrow

Domas Sakavickas
13 replies
As funny as it may sound we have a public holiday on Labour Day. How about in your country? What are your plans for tomorrow?


Nothing better than a day off on a Labor Day, if you ask me :D Sounds weird but feels so right
Demetre Mildiani
We don't have Labour day, we Have Protest day currently!
Domas Sakavickas
@demetre_mildiani1 where are you from?
Business Marketing with Nika
A little bit of work + photo shooting. I used to be a part of many of them but stopped for a while. Tomorrow I will experience a little bit of nostalgia :-)
Ryan Zhang
Absolutely, Domas! It's a great reminder to appreciate the hard work and dedication of workers worldwide who contribute to our society's growth and well-being.
Absolutely, Domas! It's a great reminder to appreciate the hard work and contributions of workers worldwide. Let's all take a moment tomorrow to honor their efforts and achievements.
Its a rest day but not for me as my product is Launching soon
Milli Sen
It’s a holiday but I’ll be working.
Yes we have in Finland! Plans are to relax but also to work on Stockle!