Customer CommunicationGrowth Hacking
Sasha Zaiats 🇺🇦
👋 Hey Product Hunters! I'm Sasha, COO & co-founder of Milestone. As a UX Designer, crafting intuitive experiences is my jam. But traditional onboarding tools? SKIPfest. (‍ Anyone else skip those "Here's the Dashboard" tooltips?) The struggle is real: a whopping 75% of users churn because of bad or non-existent onboarding. Milestone solves this. We built a no-code gamification platform to make user onboarding engaging and effective. Here's the magic: 🕹️ Interactive tours: Ditch passive clicking! Get users involved with gamified steps. 👥 Super-personalization: Show the right features at the right time with advanced triggers. 💻 No-code builder: Build flows in minutes, no developer needed. 🪄 🎉 Virtual assistants & rewards: Keep users motivated with friendly guidance and fun rewards. We're passionate about building a better onboarding experience. What are your pain points? P.S. We'd love your feedback on the platform! 💚
Intercom for Startups
Intercom for Startups Advanced AI-powered features at a 90% discount
Job van der Voort
The world meaningfully changed in the last 4 years. We started working in a very different way..mostly for good. But even happily remote working, nothing beats spending time together. Whether that's to work on strategy, or just hang out. Many teams - my own including, quickly figured out that bringing together people from many different countries in one place was a massive undertaking. I know of companies that have small teams just dedicated to organizing offsites. Offsites are a critical piece of making remote work successful, which is why I'm such a big fan (and investor) of Offsite. Having organized dozens of offsites, Offsite makes it much easier to get together with a group of people. Super excited to see their new launch!
Auth0 by Okta
Auth0 by Okta Make login our problem. Not yours. Get started today.
Snowflake O'Reilly Report
Snowflake O'Reilly Report Design a Modern Application Data Stack