The Ashley Madison documentary - thoughts on ethical boundaries for tech companies?

Namrata Arya
3 replies
Been watching the Ashley Madison documentary on Netflix and it got me thinking not only about how dire the consequences of a data breach can be, but also about the ethical boundaries for tech companies. What are your thoughts on creating platforms that knowingly disrupt social norms and values? Also, what other cases come to mind in the tech industry that have raised questions about ethical best practices? I immediately thought of the Cambridge Analytica - Facebook episode


JD Worcester
There are no ethical boundaries for tech companies 😂
Gurkaran Singh
Isn't it fascinating how tech companies like Ashley Madison and Cambridge Analytica tiptoe on ethical tightropes? It's like they're playing a high-stakes game of digital chess, but with everyone's privacy on the line! How do you think they navigate these murky waters of data morality?