Adam Marx

Adam Marx

Master Networker, Founder, & Speaker
618 points
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Adam Marx
Adam Marx
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When Your New Employee Doesn't Show Up!

Please avoid doing this -- trust me, it just kills your reputation. Recently, my friend was expecting to go to work and train her new employee. Then this happened β€” we were both shocked! πŸ‘‡πŸ˜± The person never showed up! Okay, some quick backstory: My friend hired someone to fill a general administrative role in her office. From what she told me after, the person seemed like a...
Adam Marx
Adam Marx
started a discussion

This Smarmy Tactic Kills Your Sales & Networking 😱

Last week, a close friend of mine shared that he'd deleted numerous emails to him, all with the subject line "Re:" -- and all from people with whom he'd never had a prior conversation. Doing this will fuck up your networking. πŸ‘‡ Why? Because not only is my good friend a top sales expert and influencer on LinkedIn, but because THIS DOESN'T WORK. You don't build expansive networks...
Adam Marx
Adam Marx
started a discussion

One of the BIGGEST Things Founders Mess Up On πŸš€

You're ready to launch your product (or you will be soon), so naturally your next tactic is to start trying to drum up a little buzz. But it's slow, because you haven't built out the necessary community or support network beforehand. So you start "networking." Only it isn't really networking because what you're actually doing is *selling.* (Or trying to, anyway). And this is where a LOT...
Adam Marx
Adam Marx
started a discussion

How long before launch do you start building your network & community?

This is a question I've become obsessed with. Mostly because I see so many founders make it harder for themselves than they need to. πŸ€” I partly notice this because I get a ton of inbound cold DM's asking if I'll help support someone's launch. And I love to be supportive, but a better strategy would be to hook me on your mission before asking for anything. πŸ™ƒ It bums me out because I hate...
Adam Marx
More people than ever are voting, and voting early! But just how many have voted already?
How Many People Have Voted?
How Many People Have Voted?
Mail-in and early just how many people have voted already?
Adam Marx
Branded Background is a quick and easy tool for bringing your logo and brand to your Zoom calls. Simply create a branded background, upload to Zoom, and you’re good to go!
Branded Background
Branded Background
Create a branded virtual background for your Zoom calls