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What is Rephonic?
We collected 2.8m podcast connections according to the "Listeners Also Subscribed To" data in Apple Podcasts. Now you can vizualize any podcast's neighbours (and it's neighbour's neighbours) in a 3D graph and see which other podcasts share a similar audience.
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Podcast recommendations powered by Rephonic. Choose some of your favorite podcasts and we'll show you more that you might like. The suggestions will get better as you curate the results by liking or disliking shows.
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The Podcast Audience Graph
We collected 2.8m podcast connections according to the "Listeners Also Subscribed To" data in Apple Podcasts. Now you can vizualize any podcast's neighbours (and it's neighbour's neighbours) in a 3D graph and see which other podcasts share a similar audience.
The Podcast Audience Graph image