How do you feel about AI’s growing presence online and In real world settings?

Chris Liam
1 reply


Eventually, AI will handle most of the tasks currently performed by humans. This will result in significant disruption across various sectors, ranging from low-skilled jobs like burger flipping to high-level positions in fields such as radiology and typical business software development. However, humans will always value the human touch, so AI-generated content in areas like videos, music, and art may primarily serve as a low-budget filler, despite being virtually indistinguishable from human-led productions. To differentiate AI-generated works, potential legal disclaimers or metadata labels such as "MADE WITH AI" could be used. Overall, AI will likely assume most repetitive tasks in offices, businesses, enterprises, and government, potentially displacing a significant number of workers. This may necessitate retraining, re-education, or even universal basic income-type assistance. As humans, we should focus on acquiring deeper knowledge, seeking the truth and meaning of the universe, and engaging in more significant missions to help humanity. By doing so, we can adapt and find new roles in life amidst the advancements in AI technology.