Anand Thaker

Anand Thaker

Builder, GTM Advisor, R&D in DI
19 points
Amazon Cart Link GeneratorNotionChronoMarker™
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Anand Thaker
The world's first in-browser split timer and takes marker for streamers. SAVE HOURS in content post-production by tracking your takes during recordings. The custom marker extension will change how to record and publish streams!
Best in-browser split timer & takes marker for streamers
Anand Thaker
Give your followers a link w. MULTIPLE items in an Amazon cart? The extension cleanly (no kludgy process or questionable 3rd parties) helps you build a collection of items, and generates a URL for an Amazon cart that can be used anywhere in your content.
Amazon Cart Link Generator
Amazon Cart Link Generator
Simple affiliate link generator for content creators
Anand Thaker
Anand Thaker
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Spammy site, clicks, fake urls. PH take it down!
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