How do you think AI will change the job market in the next 10 years?

2 replies


Daksh Tyagi
AI is set to significantly transform the job market in the next decade, automating routine tasks across various industries like healthcare, finance, and customer service. This will streamline operations and improve efficiency but may also lead to job displacement. New roles will emerge, particularly in AI management, development, and oversight, necessitating a shift in education and training programs. AI will augment human capabilities, allowing professionals to focus more on strategy and decision-making. The ultimate impact will depend on integrating AI to enhance rather than replace, emphasizing the creation of tech-centric roles and adaptation in the workforce.
Gurkaran Singh
In the next 10 years, AI will be shaking up the job market like a digital tornado, creating new roles, transforming existing ones, and making adaptability the key skill to have! So, are you ready to ride the wave or prefer to spectate from the job market sidelines?