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What do people think of RADAAR?

The community submitted 131 reviews to tell us what they like about RADAAR, what RADAAR can do better, and more.
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4.9/5All time (131 reviews)
Recently (5 reviews)

131 Reviews
Just S
Just S
⭐ Top reviewer
Owner, Simple Lotus
35 reviews
Review of RADAAR
RADAAR has been a tremendous tool since it launched. The feature set is excellent and the active development has been great. There have been constant improvements. I love the active engagement of the developers with their community. RADAAR it's one of my favorite social management tools and I believe it will continue to improve and grow. Highly recommended.
Mustafa Ercan Zırh
Thank you so much for the lovely words! We're really glad to hear them as a team! :)

Banu Akgul
Co-founder of ConectoHub
2 reviews
This new addition, allowing access to millions of songs, joins the ranks of RADAAR's other impressive tools, empowering creators to truly enhance their content and captivate audiences.

Kolpinizki Sammy
7 reviews
1. I like the idea. Seems very good for businesses that are managing multiple accounts across social media. 2. UI looks clean and clear. 3. Seems to integrate to all the major social networks, so good coverage. 4. A bit pricy IMO, but might make life much easier for marketing, so maybe it's worth it.

Zoey Green
Graphic designer
1 review
With its seamless scheduling and extensive Audio Library, you have everything you need to craft compelling content that resonates with your audience.

Long Nguyen
Multimedia Designer and Zenfluencer.
4 reviews
Radaar is very easy to use with clean social media planner.

Слава Україні
16 reviews
RADAAR" - це інструмент для управління декількома профілями в соціальних мережах. Він спрощує процес керування вашими соціальними медіа-акаунтами, починаючи від планування та публікації контенту і закінчуючи аналізом вашої соціальної активності. Цей інструмент може бути корисним для осіб або організацій, які мають декілька соціальних медіа-профілів і бажають ефективно управляти ними, публікувати контент та відстежувати його результати. РАDAAR може спростити і автоматизувати цей процес, що допоможе вам більш ефективно взаємодіяти з вашою аудиторією в соціальних мережах.

Scott Laking

Content at BananaEigoTV

6 reviews
RADAAR is loved by so many but for me, the posting system is confusing. It’s probably my fault but things often don’t post as I expect.

Lee tim
Lee tim

Community & Support at FlipJungle

20 reviews
RADAAR isn't just another scheduling tool - it's a productivity game-changer for social media management

Marketing at FroomCare

2 reviews
I rely on RADAAR as my primary social management tool because of its extensive features, responsive developers, and regular updates that keep me well-informed and content.

Great product for using on our workflow