

SurveyJS - Open-Source Client-Side Form Builder Libraries
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What is SurveyJS?
SurveyJS – a product suite of open-source JS form libraries that allow you to set up a form management system fully integrated in your IT. Key Features: ✅ Our UI components easily integrate with React, Angular, Vue.js, Knockout, and jQuery. ✅ Any server + database combination is fully compatible. ✅ JSON format for survey metadata and results. ✅ Drag-and-Drop Form Builder with basic and advanced input types. ✅ Integrated CSS-based Theme Editor. ✅ GUI for conditional rules. ✅ +200 Form Examples.
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With SurveyJS, you can set up a self-hosted form management system fully integrated into your IT. It uses JSON for survey metadata and results. The drag & drop form builder features an integrated CSS-based theme editor and a GUI for conditional rules.
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