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The community submitted 60 reviews to tell us what they like about Signaturely, what Signaturely can do better, and more.
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60 Reviews

Johnny L
Johnny L
1 review

Kaan Aksoy
A person who doesn't do headlines
9 reviews
Reviewed this product
I "subscribed" to Signaturely by buying their Appsumo deal. We have been using esignature solutions in our company since 10 years starting from Echosign then moved to signrequest. Signaturely's UI is very modern and sleek and I had very high expectations of it. I hoped to move from signrequest to Signaturely but their LACK of Zapier/Integromat integration prevented me doing so. Then they launched their API and Zapier integration and this is the main reason why I would NOT RECOMMEND them. They are asking 99 USD per month for 50 signature requests via API. I can do unlimited documents for 7 euros (per user) using signrequest. If you are running a business and want to streamline the processes as much as possible then you normally try to prevent your staff logging in into different systems just to do simple tasks , in this instance to send documents to be signed. Zapier / API access are crucial to trigger document send requests from CRM but the cost attached to it is very high in signaturely. I still wish them good luck :)

Vedran Rasic

Founder & Leadership

18 reviews
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Review of Signaturely
Excellent product. Super simple to use and truly great founder behind it! @iamwillcannon congrats 🎉

Arun Pattnaik


1 review
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Review of Signaturely
I've been beta-testing this for a while. It's a solid product with great UX and a pretty generous free account. Great work @iamwillcannon !

Houston Golden
Founder & CEO at BAMF Media
5 reviews
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Review of Signaturely
Free signatures! This is legit. Can't tell you how much money this will save for so many badass makers, marketers, and founders out there! Props to you @iamwillcannon for making this product free. Congrats to you and the whole team! Can't wait to use this 🏆 🏆 🏆

Federico Jorge
Comparison pages for SaaS companies
14 reviews
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Review of Signaturely
I've been using Signaturely since it came out. If you're looking for an easy way to get your paperwork signed, it doesn't get easier than this.

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Review of Signaturely
was literally wishing sometime like this existed the other day. WHY WAS THERE NO SIMPLE APP FOR THIS? Thankfully my frustration has been short-lived. Thanks Signaturely 🥰

Andy Cabasso
Founder, Postaga & Boxward
21 reviews
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Review of Signaturely
I have been using Signaturely for about 6 months now and it's a great product. Very simple to work with and reasonable pricing.

Jason August
Real estate and tech entrepreneur
11 reviews
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Review of Signaturely
I've been using Signaturely for awhile now. Unlike other signature systems, I never hear anyone having issues signing. I just send out documents and they get signed :)