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The best alternatives to Mesmo are The Spoke, Happyning, and Soulpicks. If these 3 options don't work for you, we've listed a few more alternatives below.
What do you think of Mesmo?
Hurree The smarter, simpler way to analyze your data
Best alternatives to Mesmo
  • Instantly discover what to do next by swiping through lists of recommendations from the people you trust. Instantly decide what to do by syncing slates with friends to make a group decision in seconds. Instantly, make a move... your fav services are a tap away

  • Crazy Party-Crashing App is Disruptive... but Cool! 😎

  • Create your own collection of favorites by connecting with friends and browsing curated recommendations from experts.

  • We created SliceMap to filter out all the pizza places you don't want to eat at -- ones that cost more than $1. Think you know of one we may have missed? Fill out our submission form and we will verify it's location and add it.

  • Tito is an app that shows you new, spontaneous and trending things happening happening around you. We combine user photos & videos with content curated by local experts to create a Map and Feed of everything happening around you *right now*.