Let's Split

Let's Split

Share, track and settle group expenses all in one app.
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What is Let's Split?
Let's Split is an easy-to-use app designed to help you manage shared expenses with friends, roommates, or travel companions. Create expense groups, add bills, track balances, and settle payments within the app through our integrated payment system, making shared spending easier and more transparent for everyone involved. Whether you're on vacation with a group, planning a party, or just splitting the cost of dinner, Let's Split takes the hassle out of group payments.
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Let's Split
Let's Split is an intuitive mobile app that simplifies expense sharing for friends, roommates, and travelers, allowing users to effortlessly track, split, and settle group expenses in a user-friendly, secure and fully integrated platform.
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Let's Split
Let's Split is an app that makes it easy to manage group expenses and pay back friends and family by creating a group, adding expenses, and assigning them to group members with a secure in-app payment system.
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