Kickstart Side Hustle Newsletter

Dwarf-size newsletter with viral marketing case studies
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What is Kickstart Side Hustle Newsletter?
Call me old fashioned, but sending whale-size emails, full of confusing, pseudo-informative content is CRAP! What's SEXY is a weekly email with Danny DeVito-size viral, growth hack marketing case studies, containing: Strategies, Tools, and Psychology
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Recent launches

Unicorn Warrior
With the PROMO CODE "phphph" 20% OFF till April 3rd
✅ 100+ Viral marketing strategies and frameworks (easy to digest)
✅ 150+ Viral marketing case studies (the largest library of viral marketing case studies)
✅150+ Cognitive biases to influence your customers
Unicorn Warrior image
Brainiac 2.0 & KSH
Brainiac is a database of 150 cognitive biases, principles & models.
Presented in a concise format, as a sketch, and as online flashcards.
KSH is a platform that consists Brainiac and 100+ viral marketing case studies (including 50+ "First 1000 customers")
Brainiac 2.0 & KSH image
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