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The best alternatives to DocOne are HealthCare.com, Encord DICOM Tool, and Patient Portal Finder. If these 3 options don't work for you, we've listed a few more alternatives below.
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Best alternatives to DocOne
  • HealthCare.com is a privately-owned company whose mission is to help consumers make better healthcare decisions. We’re a team of 125 people located in NYC, Miami, Indianapolis and Guatemala City. We’re an online healthcare company focused on improving how you shop for and enroll in health insurance coverage.

  • Annotate DICOM imagery at scale including CT, X-ray, MRI and ultrasound. Encord’s DICOM tool is a truly optimized medical imaging tool built specifically for radiologists, with full 3D views, native windowing functionality and AI-powered automation features.

  • Find where to view your results and doctor's notes

  • 99.9% of health knowledge is still not on the internet. Having an online voice multiplies the ability of doctors to help and effect change - from helping individual patients in front of them, to helping populations across the world.

  • Find a doctor online. Around the world.

  • A social healthcare platform that enables people suffering from chronic illnesses an all-in-one personalized dashboard, providing users a deep bench of suggested healthcare resources and information such as: other people like you, health-tech, blogs, articles, treatments, doctors, and a variety of other online information to connect with.

  • Helps tourists find doctors that speak their language