

A task assistant for connecting, collaborating, and coworking
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What is Confluo?
Our mission at Confluo is to empower individuals in bringing their dreams to life. Confluo allows you to: - Join the community of hard-working individuals that support one another in achieving their goals - Connect with your friends and like-minded people and co-work or collaborate - Streamline your daily tasks with built-in task organisation and recommendation - Gather and track skills and achieve flow with focussed sessions
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Recent launches

Self-completing Tasks
A GPT-powered task assistant that automates research tasks that need multiple searches and browsing webpages online. Manage your projects and tasks, and connect and collaborate with others. Join today to get 5 self-completing tasks every month for free.
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Confluo enables you to stay committed as you let others know what you are going to be working on and motivated as others support your work.
With Confluo you can track skills and hours spent and find and follow interesting people.
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