Claude by Anthropic

Claude by Anthropic

A family of foundational AI models
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15 Shoutouts

For creation features, we found Opus to produce slightly better results.
Claude 3 powers BoodleBox's 1000+ custom GPT bots to provide next level assistance.
Anthropic is our favorite model for data extraction and quote parsing, providing accurate and reliable results.
A wise wo(man) once said... Claude powers many of our AI features such as script writing and trend analysis!
Claude helps us make sense of all the financial data easily.
Martin is powered by Claude-3, a state of the art AI model from Anthropic.
We use various Anthropic models to help power our product.
As the most powerful model in the market, Claude Opus is the bedrock of Prophet, surfacing granular article pain points and blending them together from your behavioural data as well as drafting emails
We support Anthropic models in our backend, which are a canonical family of LLMs.
Claude is used for all the AI needs on our platform, including summarizer; chat assistant; etc.
As a designer who's only started developing software in the past two years, Claude was a priceless collaborator on system design, mundane UI scaffolding and numerous other dev tasks.
For their high-quality, cost-effective and easy to embed API
Ask FT is currently powered by Claude, the large language model (LLM) developed by Anthropic.
We tried multiple other models and found most to be overly optimistic and not giving real, practical feedback on ideas. Claude was perfect and worked super well for objectively evaluating ideas.
We employ Claud Opus to produce text for your needs.