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The best alternatives to Beacon are Book In A Box, Squibler, and IndiePaper. If these 3 options don't work for you, we've listed a few more alternatives below.
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Best alternatives to Beacon
  • Professionals take the pain out getting your book published

  • Write & Publish Your Book in 30 Days. Store all your ideas without ever losing them, then filter by tags. Store all your chapters, scenes, and notes safely. Then, drag and drop them into the right place.

  • IndiePaper enables self-published authors like you to ✍️ write, 🖊 edit, 📝 publish, typeset and sell your 📖 books from a single integrated platform. Publish your next book with IndiePaper and start making mon...

  • Diary.by is a minimalist, clean, ad and tracking free publishing platform for your blog, journal, articles, code or even recipes.

  • Create and publish your blogs easier, faster and more secure. Publish on a global CDN edge in seconds. Say goodbye to slow sites or long build times. Regain control over your publication data and copyrights: Yo...