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  2.  → BaSalt beta
  3.  → Alternatives
The best alternatives to BaSalt beta are Google Docs & Sheets, Arcane Sheets, and Graphite. If these 3 options don't work for you, we've listed over 10 alternatives below.
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Best alternatives to BaSalt beta
  • for iOS and Android

  • Arcane Sheets is a full-featured private online spreadsheet. You can create documents or import from Google Sheets and Microsoft Excel. All save and secure on blockchain-based cloud storage. 10GB free storage for all the friends from Product Hunt 😸✌️

  • Encrypted, private productivity suite. Own your encryption keys, own your data.

  • Spike's conversational email app makes working easier and more efficient. Saving you and your team time, sanity, and a lot of headaches.

  • With big email providers you don't own your data! - They can sell it to the highest bidder. - They can keep it when you close your account. - They can choose to stop the service any time and your data is lost. Get your privacy back with DMAILS

  • Encrypted Document Signing and Digital Notary - Powered by the Blockchain Secure DocuSign Alternative with Video Proofs!

  • Handcrafted platform adventure

  • Gone are the days stale branches, painful merges, and “What’s the status?” You just do your work, and your team is in the know. Automagically. Conveyor replaces your Git client, hosted version control service, and task management with a single, integrated development workflow.

  • Pipefile is the best software platform for collecting client documents. Our automated reminders ensure you receive all required documentation on time to help keep your business moving.

  • BlockDoc is a decentralized document manager where you can easily share files privately with anyone. The file owner can edit, share and delete the file. Other user who have access to the files can only view the files.

  • DocsCloud helps you create web forms, generate filled documents, get the documents signed & publish documents on almost anything.