Where do you prefer to get information/insights?

Thomas Halliday
5 replies


Marvin Mändle
Personally I don't read newsletters at all. I try to search information in the internet, when I need some specific ones. Most of the time I get business related information from LinkedIn.
Thomas Halliday
Social media does have its values but if you find a creator you trust, a newsletter is better because you do not rely on an algorithm to stay up to date with content.
Business Marketing with Nika
@thomas_halliday Many emails tend to be very long (and I usually scroll them). Social media posts are more brisk so I can get information in a few lines. Saving the time sometimes :D
Hossein Yazdi
I 99% of the time use Twitter to follow up on the latest world events and news and occasionally skim through reliable news sites.
Fabian Maume
Social media aren't realy reliable as they change their algorithm often. It is also easier to archive an email for later than to archive a social post.