What features do you look for in a video meeting platform?

Shaur ul Asar
15 replies


Justin McGill
Integration with other productivity tools is a big plus for me. The ability to integrate with calendar apps, project management platforms, and file-sharing services streamlines workflow and saves time.
Shaur ul Asar
@jus10mcgill Absolutely! Integration with productivity tools can greatly enhance the efficiency of video meetings
Tobe T
#IMO Collaboration features such as virtual whiteboards and annotation tools are incredibly valuable in a video meeting platform, especially for brainstorming sessions or presentations.
Shaur ul Asar
@tobe_taiwo I completely agree! Virtual whiteboards and annotation tools can truly enhance collaboration during video meetings. I'm curious to know if you have any specific virtual whiteboard or annotation tools that you find particularly effective?
I think reliable video and audio quality are mandatory for a smooth video meeting. Nobody likes choppy video or audio dropouts during important discussions. HD video, noise cancellation, and echo suppression can significantly improve quality.
Shaur ul Asar
@mani_abod HD video, noise cancellation, and echo suppression definitely contribute to better quality. Which platforms do you find particularly reliable?
Nuno Reis
Reliability is mandatory of course. But other than that, accessibility. With Teams and Zoom they make it harder for you to not download their software. I want something people can just login to and meet. I use google meet for this, it's the simplest I've used so far, and simplicity goes a long way.
Shaur ul Asar
@nuno_ms_reis It can be frustrating when platforms require software downloads or have complicated setups. I completely agree with you 🤝
Jay Phelps
My go-tos are smooth screen sharing, excellent audio/video quality, and seamless calendar integration. Platforms with a simple UI that allows the technology disappear into the background appeal to me. Let's not forget about the traditional breakout rooms for team brainstorming meetings either. I must admit that Zoom has done a terrific job, but there is always room for a contender to go forward.
Stephen Walker
Solid audio/video quality, seamless calendar integration, easy screen sharing are must-haves.
Louis Cirignano
A smooth virtual whiteboard that allows the guests to draw over the screen sharing is a must!
It needs to handle unstable and arbitrarily slow internet connections well. This was why we decided to shift out of Google Meet and into Zoom; which is huge considering how much of their tools we've integrated into our systems.
Nathan Luke
High-quality video and audio: A video meeting platform should offer reliable and clear video and audio capabilities. High-definition video and crystal-clear audio ensure smooth communication and enhance the meeting experience.
Isabel Hely
Recording and playback: The option to record video meetings is valuable for those who need to review or share important discussions or presentations afterward. Playback functionality enables participants to revisit meetings or catch up if they missed the session.
Hamid Khan
Participant management and control: The platform should offer features to manage participants effectively. This includes the ability to mute/unmute participants, control access permissions, manage waiting rooms, and assign hosting privileges.