What do you look for in an Affiliate Partnership?

Vertika Nigam
8 replies
Hey Designers and everyone who loves great design products, this is a question for you - What is it that makes you decide whether you'll sign up for an Affiliate program of a Design product or not? Is there a "deal-breaker" for you? I'm trying to understand this before I launch cxful's Affiliate program, because I want to make an offer that you'd really LOVE to talk about. cxful V2.0 is on its way to completion, so I'm damn sure you'll love the product. So, what else is important to you? Please help :)


Ruben Boonzaaijer
How easy it is for people to sign up for the program
@ruben_boonz Alright, so the affiliate partner should be able to sign up through a link. Nothing complicated. Do you suggest anything specific I should take care of, or avoid, or include?
Ruben Boonzaaijer
@vertikanigam not I think that's the most important factor to me
@ruben_boonz Okay, noted. Thank you
Jake Tital
commission structure and product
@jaketital - So, the product should be great of course, plus there'll be a commission for each sale that comes through the affiliate partner and an additional discount for the customers who come through them. There'll be a launch offer running already, so this discount will be above that. Am I missing anything? And, is there anything specific to the commission structure apart from what I explained? Thanks,
Jake Tital
@vertikanigam Nope everything from my perspective on the affiliate side looks good. You need to be able to show conversion rates to big affiliates for like webinar runs but that will come later.
@jaketital Oh okay, that's a new angle. Thanks