Roast my landing page, I'll roast yours in return! 馃敟
Olivier C么t茅
2 replies
Hi everybody!
I know you all have lots of experience with websites, so I thought to utilize your expertise here to refine my landing page
While I would love to hear your perspective on all aspects including design, I have concerns about the clarity of my message. So, I'm just asking for your feedback, primarily on the content.
Julien Zmiro@zmiro
Top Product
It looks really good congrats! I'm assuming your main target is people building websites for others right? (and not the actual "owner" of the website)
- I love the 3 steps, I think it makes it super clear how it's going to work.
- I'm not a huge fan of the "inset shadows" on all the elements but that's super subjective.
- I think the main hero title is a tiny bit long. It's clear and that's the most important thing but I wonder if you could shorten it to something like "Code-free widgets for your clients' websites".
- I would personally remove the "Back to top" widget, it feels a little bit out of place here and distracts from the main widget. Instead, I'd consider adding visuals for all the widgets listed in "Our widgets roadmap".
Well done it's class!