Any other launching sites like PH?

Kshetez Vinayak
8 replies
Pls let us know your experience with such sites and which one you prefer and more time should be put in on that.


Asmitha Rathis
MicroLaunch and Devhunt too
Kshetez Vinayak
@asmitha_rathis1 thanks a lot. this is very helpful.
Kshetez Vinayak
@asmitha_rathis1 have you launched on any of these? How was your experience?
Asmitha Rathis
@kshetez_vinayak Yes both brought in good traffic so far, another directory that got us really good traffic was "TheresAnAIForThat", but this is primarily for AI tools.
Pierre-Yves Dubreucq
I used a new alternative It's young but cool :)
Asmitha Rathis
@pydubreucq Yup we launched on Uneed too, but didnt get much traffic from that.
Kshetez Vinayak
@pydubreucq didnt knew abt this one. Thx fr sharing