What does "success" mean for you?
Artem Galenko
11 replies
Alex Devero@alexdevero
Doing what you want, when you want and making the world at least a bit better on the process.
Success means contentment (to me).
@simondingle contentment of what you have done or how you have done? or both ?
@unrealartemg Not sure. The interesting thing about feeling content is that it's difficult to anticipate. But you know it when it shows up, and that's what success is to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
That has changed over time but currently its about making a positive impact in the world where I'm most equipped to do so, working hard and feeling fulfilled, finding time to pursue creative passions and ensuring the people who matter to me get quality time with me regularly.
@unrealartemg yes exactly! I want to do work that helps me tick all the boxes on my list. It has to be rewarding but also not eat all my time.
@unrealartemg yes exactly. I think I also am aware how much of that time management responsibility falls on me. I try to create healthy boundaries with work. i do over time when I need it to hit my goals but I try to not make it a daily habit that eats into exercise time, reading time, etc :)
A very interesting question that most of the time you think you know its true answer… but you don't :)
I spent some time to answer this for myself since it is always relative and here is a couple of points that I consider myself successful whenever I achieve them.
1. Be loving and be loved.
2. Stay as healthy and as active as possible.
3. Bring happiness to yourself and those around you.
4. Have the luxury of deciding where you want your time to be spent.