Yeahia Sarker

Yeahia Sarker

Generative AI for Product Photos
44 points
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Yeahia Sarker
Yeahia Sarker
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Sorry but after breakfast 😅
Serkan Mercan
Coffee before or after breakfast?
Serkan Mercan
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Yeahia Sarker
Yeahia Sarker
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A cool one
Sprig Feedback
Sprig Feedback
Capture continuous feedback right in your product or website
Yeahia Sarker
Yeahia Sarker
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⏰ Would you hit the "early access" button even if you don't need the product?

Sometimes, I try to explore different products which I won't need for sure. I just check their design, flows, engineering, pricing scheme. PS : (Lets see if you hit the early access button)
Yeahia Sarker
Yeahia Sarker
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which one?
Hamza Aybak
Did you use the latest calendly competitor from Google?
Yeahia Sarker
Yeahia Sarker
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Thanks for helping out the newbies like me!
People don't notice new PH users. Let's give them some support and attention.
+1 comment
Yeahia Sarker
Yeahia Sarker
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Only 5% (I like to read from mobile devices)
Ege Perk
How much of your daily work can you handle from mobile devices?
Yeahia Sarker
Yeahia Sarker
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Of course! who doesn't
Priyanka Saini
Do you like to listen to music while working?
Priyanka Saini
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Yeahia Sarker
Yeahia Sarker
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I would suggest you to try
Isa Tanis
Framer or Webflow?
Yeahia Sarker
Yeahia Sarker
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Congrats! I am trying to increase my followers as well.
Olena Bomko
Crossed 2400 followers on Product Hunt. Is follower count a vanity metric?
Yeahia Sarker
Yeahia Sarker
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AI Product Photography
Viola Schoell
Share your product with the community in just three words
Viola Schoell
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Yeahia Sarker
Yeahia Sarker
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Ours! Join the waitlist!
Ankur Singh
Share your favorite AI product with the PH community?
Yeahia Sarker
Yeahia Sarker
started a discussion

Share your community link and we will join!

Everyone is posting to upvote their product and a growing community is also important. Let help each other to grow product community. Comment down below your community link and I will join. I request everyone to do the same!
Yeahia Sarker
Yeahia Sarker
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Nishi Bhavsar
On which platform you are building your product community?
Nishi Bhavsar
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+1 comment
Yeahia Sarker
Yeahia Sarker
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Having both like canva!
Claudiu Cogalniceanu
Free or Free Trial?
Claudiu Cogalniceanu
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